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Parent Toddler/Infant Groups

Parent & Toddler Program

Parent & Infant Program

The Who, What, Where

Parents and toddlers (18 months to 3 years) or infants (6 to 18 months) attend group once a week together.

This is not a drop off program.

Our program consists of two separate semesters (Sept. - Dec. & Jan. - May).

 @ The Little Blue Montessori School, 10415 Old Manchaca Rd - South Austin

Parent-Toddler Group Rhythm
Part One: Toddlers engage in outdoor play/art/nature while parents engage in mindful observation (45 mins)
Part Two: Toddlers and teachers sit for a snack; parents observe (30 minutes)
Part Three: Toddlers separate from parents and have indoor play time with teachers; parents have discussion time outside with parent facilitator (30 minutes)
Closing: Parents join toddlers inside for song/story time (15 minutes)
Parent-Infant Group Rhythm
This hour and a half group takes place in our indoor classroom.  We start off with a 20 minute observation period, followed by a check in with the parents.  A teacher is present to keep the babies safe and engaged.  Depending on the age and development of the children, we introduce a teacher led snack time.  Parents discuss topics such as feeding, sleep, integrating parenthood into life, parenting styles, and lots of other relevant areas of interest.  We finish group with tidying up and a closing song circle.
Upcoming Groups:
Tuesdays 9 - 11am beginning Sept. 10th through Dec. 17th 
**Toddlers who are 18 months by 9/1/24
Tuesdays from 11:30 - 12:45pm beginning Sept. 10th through Dec. 17th
**Infants who are 6 months by 9/1/24

The group is highly influenced by RIE, Reggio Emilia, and Mindful Parenting. 

Our Values


  • We value relationships.  We think the parent-child relationship is of utmost importance and think that it’s worth spending time, energy, and other resources to learn, think about, and grow in this unique dynamic.  We also value community relationships.  We want to develop and nurture supportive relationships between school and families, as well as other community members. 

  • We value nature.  We believe and take our responsibility to Mother Earth seriously.  We think that one of the best ways to nurture this awareness in children is to facilitate experiences in and with nature.  We do this by using natural materials whenever possible, intentionally creating curriculum and provocations with nature in mind, and use items from our surrounding natural areas to inspire children through art and exploration.  

  • We value curiosity.  We believe that all humans are always learning and growing.  Our program will not look the same in five years from now because we know we will learn things along the way that will necessitate change.  - We work hard to balance allowing children to discover, keeping them safe and providing safe environments, and using our experience and wisdom to guide children.  We won’t get it perfectly all the time and don’t expect perfection from anyone else either.  We think one of the best characteristics that motivates learning and growth is curiosity and wonder.  

  • We believe that our children should have quality, fine materials for working with.  We think children are amazing artists and should have great tools to produce their works of art.  We do our best with sourcing quality, durable materials.

  • We value communication.  We believe that one of the greatest tools we have as a community is the ability to share our thoughts, ideas, and feelings.  We encourage communication from teachers, parents, and children.  We believe communication is both listening AND sharing, honest and vulnerable, and sometimes brave.  We will always value your efforts to communicate with us.

  • We value diversity in race, economic, educational, family dynamics, culture, thinking, and ways of being in the world.  We think the most beautiful thing about the world are the differences.  We do not pretend not to see them.  We highlight them, learn from and celebrate them.


Toddlers (15 weeks) $1275; Infants (15 weeks) $975

**If you need financial assistance or a payment plan, please do not hesitate to reach out.

CC, Venmo, or Check


Having a tribe you can call on during those early years of parenting is vital for family and individual wellness.    Groups serve two parallel purposes: to help develop the social and emotional learning of your child and to support the understanding of your child's development, emotional experience, as well as your own growth and emotional experience in this parenting journey.  Being a part of a group gives you the guidance of an experienced facilitator, plus the added benefit of hearing different perspectives of the parents in your unique group.


"When we begin to know ourselves in an open and self-supportive way, we take the first step to encourage our children to know themselves." Dr. Daniel J. Siegel


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